In 1974 Sylvester Stallone was a broke, discourage actor and screenwriter. While attend a boxing match he became inspired by a “nobody” boxer who “went the distance” with the great Mohammed Ali.
He rushed home and in a three-day burst of creative output produced the first draft of the screenplay entitled “Rocky”
Down to his last $106, Stallone submitted his screenplay to his agent. A studio offered $20,000 with either Ryan O’ Neal or Burt Reynolds playing the lead character. Stallone was excited by the offer but wanted to play the lead himself. He offered to act for free.
They eventually offered him $330,000. He told them that he’d rather not see the movie made if he couldn’t play the lead.
They finally agreed to let him play the lead. He was paid $20,000 for the script plus $340 per week. After expenses, agents fees, and taxes, he netted about $6,000 instead of $330,000.
In 1976 Stallone was nominated for an Academy Award as Best Actor. The movie “Rocky” won three Oscars. The “Rocky” series has since grossed $1 billion, making Sylvester Stallone an international movie star!
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