This was told to me by one of my clients at – Sport Medicine Massage. Guess my childhood was pretty boring.
“One incident that never forget is one day after school, an older boy was insulting me and my family. It quickly turned ugly. I ended up beating him, badly. After the incident, on my way home, the kid brought his dad with him. They intercepted me and my friends. My friends fled and I was just by myself. A full grown man actually hit me and held me down and he let his son repeatedly beat me in the head with a rock. (I still have a scar on my head).
Looking back at it, that act is nothing short of disgusting and cowardly. I was only 11 years old!”
Are bullies born or created? What might have been if his mates stayed to back him up? What has become of the bully? What has become of the victim? Well I know the answer to that one. He is now 22 and a very intelligent young man with a huge future in Australia. A martial artist (boxer) who is very fit, but passive and looks after himself with massage, good nutrition and education. He fled a war torn country when he was 12, and thinks that most of his grade one class mates would now be dead. Is it fate, destiny, luck? Who knows…